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Tea Time
  • Tea Time


    Liao Shiou-Ping

    Tea Time, 1997

    Silkscreen ( edition 38 ) 

    8.7 x 12.2 inch

    22 x 31 cm

    • Art Description

      Tea Time


      Printing: Printmaking


      Another piece of still life series. Liao leveraged the teapot and cups to present his inner peace and enjoyment, where he found in daily life. He uses objects to remind people of the modern and fast developing world, in terms of pausing and having a cup of tea.



      Keywords: Still life, Printmaking, Piece, primary color, cups

      Subjects: Teapot, cups

      Style: Contemporary, Fine Arts, Chinese,  Modern Printmaking, Abstract

      Medium: Print

      Frame: Yes

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